Wednesday, August 5, 2009

4-Wheelin' on the 24th

For the 24th we went 4 wheeling with Jay and Amy and their family. We went up American Fork canyon and it was crazy busy, so we couldn't find a place by the lake to fish, but we still had a great time riding and eating chocolate and licorice. Amy took me on a ride to teach me. We laughed hysterically the whole time. Well I did, mostly because I was nervous! The last time I rode a 4 wheeler I hit a tree, so some nerves are to be expected. Jimmy and Staley were hilarious. They rode like mad men! Jimmy said that at one point Staley asked him to slow down, otherwise he loved going fast and crazy. I think he forgot he had a 3 year old sitting in front of him. My next purchase will be helmets:)
Afterward we went to their house and tiredly put together a yummy barbecue. We had a great time and can't wait to do it again!

Jimmy took Staley on a 45 minute ride up the mountain. They came back FILTHY!! But with the biggest smile on his face. He loved it and kept begging for Jimmy to take him again.

Staley after his ride with Jimmy. Look at that dirt!

Staley, Noah and Lexi playing on Jay and Amy's 4 wheeler

Staley and Dylan being silly

Amy and Jay with Noah, who had dirt and chocolate all over his face. Sooo cute!

Staley exhausted after his fun day of 4 wheelin. I love how dirty and curly his hair is!

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