Jim was very sweet. For Mothers Day he gave me a pin of Belle, Rachel was Tinkerbell and Wendy was Cinderella. We wore our pins on our shirts for the rest of the week. It was nice to be thought of that way and to see who Jim relates us to. He did a good job. I saw a cute shirt that had Belle on it that Said, "I'm with Beast" Jimmy wasn't in to it. I thought it fit us, though.
Staley and Vance had Buzz Lightyear guns that they would chase eachother with and shoot eachother. They were wild one night while Rachel and I waited for everyone to get off of Indiana Jones. They were squealing and running around and then when they would shoot the other one would collapse onto the ground. It was hilarious! Staley refused to wear his Mickey ears. I think the record was 10 minutes. What a little Bug!
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