Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas

Hello everyone,
Wow, what a great year we had. We were blessed to be able to travel to Hawaii, Disneyland in May for Mother's Day and then again in October with my team. Jimmy and I also went to Texas and Vegas. Staley all of the sudden grew into a little boy, but when he sleeps at night, he still looks like my little baby boy. It has been amazing to watch his progression throughout the year. Each month we see huge differences. He is now talking in complete sentences and is excited for Santa. But I think he loves reindeer and snowman the most. He also loves to watch the polar express, because he loves "Choo Choos". Jimmy and I have said that we think 2 years old is the funnest age so far.
I have had the opportunity to grow into my teaching position even more, and am so lucky to have such wonderful kids to work with. (I couldn't do it without you Jay!). I have also been able to get all trained in my appraising certification and am getting ready to take the state test in a few months.
Jimmy has been hard at work with his marketing and real estate investments. He has such a great business mind, and I am really proud of him for what he has accomplished in his investments.
We feel so blessed this year to be acquainted with such wonderful friends and family. We are of course, grateful for the savior and for his sacrifice for us and hope that all of you feel the spirit of the season this Christmas!

Love, the Wilson 3

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