Thursday, April 16, 2009


Well we had a great Easter this year. The week started off kind of crazy with me being sick and then going to the emergency room on Saturday, but ended up working out. I was having everybody over to my house for Easter this year which I was very excited for. After the hospital Jimmy didn't think it was a good idea to have everyone over but fortunately he let it happen. Everybody helped with the food and my mom helped with set up and decorating and Rachel and Wendy organized the easter egg hunt and cookie frosting for the kids. I just got a little sick and rested for about an hour, but fortunately I didn't miss the easter egg hunt. Because it was wild! Staley was having a complete melt down and Ari took her pants off which upset Staley. He went up to Rachel and asked her to put Ari's pants back on. Liv just was happy to play on the floor with everyone. The men all went downstairs and fell asleep while watching Monsters Inc. All in all it turned out to be a beautiful day which was good so that the kids could play out in the backyard driving Staleys truck.

Staleys Easter Basket
The easter bunny brought him Monsters Inc, Bugs Life, and Robin Hood movies. Chips, chocolate, gum and Noah's Ark easter eggs

Jimmys Basket
He got the 3rd Pirates movie, new shirts and chips and candy that he picked out since I couldn't go shopping for easter this year. He went late saturday night and of course everything was picked over. But he did a good job.

The Easter Bunny hid Staleys basket and he had to find it. He passed it like twice before finding it and then he dove right in the candy and toys. He wanted his car taken out of the package right away.

This was at my house after church.

The dreaded Easter egg hunt fiasco! Staley was mad because he wanted Ari's egg. Rachel color coded the eggs. The boys were blue and green and Ari was pink and purple. Well Staley wanted that purple egg!

Wendy and Grandma Margie

Me and my mom

I love these pictures. Ari is sooo cute in this one and I love to watch Staley and Ari interact. I also love how they have other peoples shoes on!

Toby had a good Easter as well thanks to Sasha coming over to play. They had a great time together.

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